
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Random Wednesday

So that whole running thang hasn't taken hold as much as I've intended. Reasons being: I'm busy, I'm busy, and...I'm busy. Actually, I just finished a final for my online class this semester yesterday, so now I have more FREE! TIME! I'll get back on the bandwagon, promise. Also, I took the weekend off from running to insanely deep clean my house. I probably burned more calories than I would have on a run since I cleaned for SIX HOURS (including scrubbing my floors, hands-and-knees-Cinderella-style) and my house looks incredible. So there.

I've been neglecting my corner of the blogosphere, I know this. But maybe now I'll have some time to think up some good posts and maybe, you know, find some people to read the blog. Oh well.

This week I will likely get a letter in the mail stating whether I've been accepted into the nursing program at the school I want to attend in the fall. Yesterday was their admissions committee meeting, and I was hyperventilating throughout the day knowing that my fate was being decided. I honestly don't know what to expect. (Getting into nursing programs is harder than you'd think. The average GPA for the new class at another local school was 3.8. Yes, that is the AVERAGE.) So yesterday I spent some time trying to breathe and also trying to think about what I might do if I don't get in, which is totally a possibility and I've accepted that and I'm okay with it. I know I'll figure stuff out, and I think I have a semi-good backup plan. In the meantime, I'm trying to focus on positive, fun things like the upcoming wedding I'm standing up in and my sister's graduation. Not dealing with the what-ifs. I just can't wait to get The Letter!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Gettin' Healthy

So, here's the thing: I have been kicked in the ass by 2010 more times than I care to count. Some crappy things have happened this year that were seemingly beyond my control, and I'm down for the count and feeling defeated. I want to accomplish something. I want that feeling of "I totally did it!" So I need something to work on that I can control (to an extent) and accomplish.

That, my friends, would be running. Kind of surprising because I'm not a natural-born runner. I take walk breaks. A lot of walk breaks. For the longest time, the fact that I took walk breaks made me feel inferior and as if I weren't worthy of saying "I just went for a run" without adding a disclaimer of "but I actually walked for a few minutes." I just thought it didn't count if you didn't run the whole time.

I guess I was wrong, because I found out that many people do this. And it works. And you can run half marathons. And marathons! Will I run a marathon? Maybe. I've been inspired by several friends who have run or are training for a marathon. I think it would be an awesome thing to accomplish.

For now, I'm setting small goals of running three times per week and working on increasing my mileage slightly each week. When I can run 5 miles without feeling like dying, I might see how I feel about signing up for a race of some sort and training for longer runs and/or working on my pace.

In other healthy news, I just went to the Doc about my lady business today, and it seems that one of my ovaries looks like it may not be 100% normal. Which means that I *could* have PCOS. Which means that I could have trouble down the road if and when I want to get pregnant. One of the things that apparently helps PCOS is following a low glycemic index diet (read: cut out refined carbs and sugars). This sucks, because I love sugar. Like, way love it. But I don't want this whole Possible PCOS (PPCOS) to become a problem for me, so I'm going to work on fine-tuning my diet. Also, I just bought a kickass shirt at the concert of one of my favorite bands, and it's just a wee smidge tight. So no more weekly bags of Swedish Fish and nightly bowls of Moose Tracks. I'll let myself indulge once or twice a week. Which is a major step because in recent weeks indulgences have become an every day occurrence.

So here we go! (I was going to make May a whole minimalism-themed month for me, but I'm too busy for that. I actually think that working on my diet and exercise will be easier for me this month.)